4 Tools to Elevate the Service Level of Your Marketplace

Tools to Elevate the Service Level of Your Marketplace
Agility in delivery, security and compliance are fundamental points to raise the service level of your marketplace. Learn about technological solutions that reinforce these points.

Managing marketplaces has become an increasingly complex challenge, especially for those dealing with imported products. To stand out in a competitive landscape and achieve outstanding sales performance, elevating the service level is crucial.

Sinerlog offers technological solutions with a focus on Cross-border, providing significant improvements in international operations and customer experience. Continue reading and discover some tools that can boost the success of your marketplace and elevate your presence in the global market.

Discover 4 Tools to Elevate the Service Level of Your Marketplace

Agility in delivery, security, and compliance are fundamental points for e-commerce companies in an increasingly globalized virtual shopping scenario. To remain attractive and competitive, your marketplace needs to reinforce these points, elevating the service level.

Sinerlog has a range of technological solutions to meet these demands. Some of them are:

1. Global Tracking

Global Tracking is an essential shipment tracking tool for e-commerce and marketplaces dealing with imported products in Brazil. Offering the option of order tracking to the customer, in addition to helping reduce anxiety and contribute to a better shopping experience, is a requirement for companies registered in the Remessa Conforme Program.

Sinerlog’s tracking mechanism allows real-time tracking of the shipment throughout its journey to Brazil, from checkout to delivery, from the first to the last mile. Global Tracking collects all package events, making the process safer and more transparent.

Each order receives a unique code that enables this monitoring and ensures that the collected information is secure.

In addition to helping the customer, being able to track your merchandise provides a complete view of the international shipping process, also aiding in identifying and correcting any issues that may arise along the way.

2. e-Invoice

The e-Invoice is a crucial document for companies involved in cross-border trade, importing products into Brazil. It is an electronic invoice standard for cross-border transactions, containing all the necessary data for customs clearance of the shipment after its arrival in the country, streamlining this process.

Furthermore, the e-Invoice is a mandatory document for companies participating in the Remessa Conforme program. It standardizes the financial declaration in international trade, ensuring the issuance, unification, and standardization of all data in one place.

The e-Invoice also enhances the security of transactions made on your marketplace. The document is signed via blockchain, a highly reliable technology, certifying that the data is indeed genuine and preventing fraud.

3. Seller Certification

This is another security-enhancing solution for the marketplace. Seller Certification is the validation of sellers on your store. This validation is carried out by Sinerlog in partnership with SGS, a global leader in certification.

This way, it is possible to prove the existence and integrity of the site’s sellers, giving customers more peace of mind that the purchased products will be received.

This certification is also essential for companies looking to take advantage of the Remessa Conforme program’s market advantages, as the program requires companies to commit to combating illegal activities, with certification being a crucial component to avoid compliance issues.

4. NCM Scan & Validator

Correctly classifying products according to the Common Mercosur Nomenclature (NCM) is essential for global marketplaces operating with foreign goods in Brazil.

Incorrect classification can jeopardize your operation, leading to customs clearance problems and potentially causing your merchandise to be held in customs. To prevent situations like this, there is Sinerlog’s NCM Scan & Validator. The system validates the NCM, protecting your imports.

Discover all of Sinerlog’s solutions for cross-border e-commerce!

Sinerlog offers a range of technological and logistical solutions for companies involved in cross-border trade, bringing international products to Brazil, whether they are Brazilian or foreign. The Cross Commerce as a Service (C²aaS) platform, for example, has a range of features that optimize, streamline, enhance security, and ensure compliance with Brazilian customs legislation, elevating the service level of your business.

Sinerlog is also the only company in the world authorized by the Brazilian Customs (Receita Federal) to adapt and certify other organizations for the Remessa Conforme program.

Prepare for the new era of e-commerce with Sinerlog. Learn more about our solutions!

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